DirectLine Technologies operation and administration is built around award-winning proprietary interactive systems that allow caller, clients, and administrative staff to access projects and individual transactions in real-time. Caller performance is measured every twenty seconds against client-established project goals, and performance feedback is immediately displayed on individual caller screens and electronic supervision displays. This real time data is used throughout the company... from creating income projections for a new project to verifying electronic recordings of each prospect's commitment. Administrative staff can view the date, time, and result of every call to every prospect, as well as view pledge payment history and project totals as payments are entered. Unlike other vendors, we make this information available to you, also in real time, across the internet. Need to mark a record Do-Not-Call while we are actively dialing your project... simply log-in through our Web Services portal and mark a record Do-Not-Call. Need a quick one page summary of project progress, with charts of commitments and commitment amounts... simply log in and print a project summary. Need a complete list of every individual commitment, including date and amount... Well, you get the idea, we work as your partner, and provide you with real-time access to your project and your data... anytime you want from anywhere you want. Click on the Call Center Operations link to get a simple overview of the easy-to-use interface that allows our supervisors and managers to concentrate on the quality of the call, not how the computer works. Our systems are built on a fourth-generation computer language called "Omnis." Our "Omnis Externals" page provides a way to purchase DLLs we have created to add specialized functionality to the Omnis development language.
1600 N. Carpenter Road, Building D Modesto, CA 95351 |
Phone: 209-491-2020 |
directline-tech.com |
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